We arrived home after a long weekend in San Francisco on New Year’s Eve, exhausted from a day of travel, but I had to stay awake for midnight. I wanted to see 2024 finally come to an end.
It was a rough year. I went for my regular mammogram in January, and in February, was diagnosed with Triple Positive Breast Cancer (HR+ PR+ HER2+). About 20% of those diagnosed with breast cancer have Triple Positive Breast Cancer, a fast-growing and aggressive cancer. February and early March were a blur of more tests and preparations for chemo, including an MRI, two more biopsies, and the implantation of a chemo port. March was the beginning of six rounds of chemo (TCHP – Taxotere, Carboplatin, Herceptin & Perjeta), most of which were followed by a week of daily fluids. Blood work at the start of Round 4 showed that my red blood cells, magnesium, and potassium levels were too low to proceed, causing a delay of my treatment. I finished out six rounds of chemo in July, and the next step was surgery, a lumpectomy, scheduled for August 7. Then a pre-surgical exam revealed a blot clot in my leg, so I was put on blood thinners for a month, and surgery was postponed. Surgery came in early September, and I was fortunate to get incredible news: my lymph nodes were clean and there was no cancer in the area removed. The pathology report had the letters I was hoping to see: PCR – Pathologic Complete Response. It doesn’t mean I’ll never see cancer again, but this was the next best thing to never having cancer. Surgery was followed by recovery, and then radiation in November (every weekday for three weeks).
Every three weeks, I still have to have a shot of Phesgo, a combination of two drugs, Herceptin and Perjeta, which target the proteins on the cancer cell and shut them down. I will have that for a full year. Because the drug was affecting the functioning of my heart, seen on echocardiograms, I had to pause it for a month, but I am back on track with the shots, and should finish by the end of March. I will also take a hormone suppressor for five years to minimize the chance of recurrence. Lingering is neuropathy in my hands and feet, and I’m working on increasing my endurance.
So there wasn’t much travel in 2024, but when midnight arrived on December 31, I could only think that 2025 had to be better.
I cannot adequately express my appreciation to all the wonderful doctors, nurses, aides, and personnel at the Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin Cancer Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I really had the “Dream Team” with my surgeon, Dr. Amanda Kong, M.D., MS, FACS, FSSO, DABS, my oncologist, Dr. Yee Chung Cheng, M.D., and my radiation oncologist, Dr. Adam Currey, M.D. Be picky when you select your treatment team. Knowing I had the best people guiding my care, when things were hard, I knew that all the pain and side effects were worth it. I also have to thank the many nurses and staff members, some of who are pictured below, who helped me along the way, keeping me laughing (while pumping me full of horrible, but helpful, chemicals).
My family and friends really stepped up, taking me for appointments, chemo, post-chemo fluids, and many more tasks. It’s a really long list of people who sat with me and supported me, but here we go: Chris, my husband, who was there every step of the way🩷, Michael, Allison, Nick, Marty, Nick, Tracey, Matt, Ellen, Erin, Emily, Rob, Keith, Minnie, Joe, Pauline, Lauren, Natalie, Doris, Nicole, Kelty, Dan, Kimberly, Jill, Rick, Beth, Tim, Becky, Dan, Danny, Kristina, Brebs, Laura, Robin, Juli, Julie, Cindy, Sav, Alice, Mike, Mike, Maura, Sharon, Bev, Joe, Jen, Glenn, Kathy, Cheryl, Sally, Jim, Colleen, Sharon, Jennifer, Laura, Ashley, and many others who reached out, thought of me, and prayed for me. They sent flowers, gifts, and tons of encouraging messages. Below are just a few snapshots from my treatment, but I knew I wanted to remember those who helped me through the worst time of my life. It was only because you were there that I was able to push through. After all that, I’m thrilled to say, Happy New Year!